Saturday, December 29, 2007

Oh the pain....

Well I learned something the other day. Do not try to figure out your one rep max. According to the Triathlete's Training Bible, you find a weight that you can lift more than 4 times, but less than 10 times and then you divide it by a factor in the book to estimate your one rep max. Well I had no idea how many pounds I could carry doing a squat with the bar so it took some 'testing'. The bar weighed 45 lbs and I could easily do 8 reps so I added some weight and did 6 reps with 55 lbs. That was ok and I knew I could do more so I stopped and added another 10 lbs. Did 6 reps with 65 lbs, stopped, and tried more. My quads were getting a bit tight and sore but the gym was busy so I didn't want to tie up the bar too long. Tried to shake off the tightness, then added more weight. Did 10 reps with 75 lbs. It was hard but I decided to use that as my max so I wouldn't have to try more weight. So.. with all the calculations, I should be doing 40-50% of 100 lbs. OK. Now on to my actual workout (bad move...) Did 3 sets of 20 lbs with the 45 lb bar. Later in the workout I also did 3 sets of 20 on the leg press. By the time I left the gym, my legs were wobbly and weak.

Yesterday morning, I was barely able to walk and they got worse as the day went on. Ibuprophen did not help and it was really difficult to walk up and down stairs or sit down/stand up. This morning, they are only marginally better. It's kinda funny and I'm glad it is just muscle pain and not like the hip and back pain I've had in the past. I know this will go away - but it might be a few more days yet. I'll go to the gym tomorrow and only do upper body stuff. Ah well, live and learn...

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