Friday, May 8, 2009

Busy, busy, busy...

**Just ignore the weird look on my blog right now. I am in the middle of changing the size of the columns and haven't quite figured out how to change the corners. lol...**

Oh my, do I need to update my blog! I have been so busy these past couple of weeks that I barely got my podcast out last weekend, and never did get around to updating the blog.

But I am doing well.

Work update (for anyone who doesn't listen to the podcast and/or follow me on twitter)
~ here's what's been going on.

A couple of weeks ago, I was declared surplus (as expected), and was first on the recall list.

Last Thursday, someone retired and I was offered a full time position but it was Music Prep. I thought about it for awhile and then accepted the job with the plan that I would attempt to post out into a primary position elsewhere. There are seldom many primary jobs close by so I took the music job in case nothing else turned up. A bird in the hand so to speak...

On Friday, the postings came out and I applied for the 6 primary positions at the new school. I have an interview on Monday. There is no guarantee that I will get a job there so I am also getting my head around going back to teaching music next year. Either way, there will be big changes in store.

My Training

I've had a few heavy weeks of training and it's been hard to get it all done, on top of work and the job stress, but I've managed fairly well.

After my test week:

April 20-26
9+ hours of training
(3 runs, 5 bikes, 2 swims, 1 rest day)

April 27-May 3
9.5 hours of training
(2 runs, 6 bikes, 2 swims, 2 elliptical)

May 4 - 10 ~ Crash Week - 12 hours training, 2 rest days
I don't know a lot about crash training but it seems you double your workouts and throw in more rest between, to over tax your system and show big gains later. Interesting. We are monitoring my fatigue levels carefully. So far, so good.

- rest day
Tues - Swim 1:30, bike hill repeats, 1:30. (I had to stop swimming after 1:05 pool closed)
Wed - Run :45, Xtrain :45 (did rowing and weights)
Thu - Rest day
Fri (today) - Swim 1:30, bike intervals 1:30 (calf cramped at 1:10 swim, had to quit early)
Sat - Brick 1:30 (5 min hard bike 800 m run X 4)
Sun - Bike 3:00

I've done everything except I had to cut both swims back to 1:10.

Should have no trouble doing brick tomorrow but bike 3:00 on Sunday will be hard because Erik is racing tomorrow and won't want to ride with me. 3:00 is a looong time to ride alone.

I guess it will be mental endurnace as well as physical.

So far I feel ok. I was really tired on Thursday and thankfully it was a rest day.

Haven't figured out what caused the calf cramps when I was swimming. I've been using the electrolytes and staying hydrated....

Although 12 hours was planned, I'll only get in 11 hours if I do everything I'm supposed to this weekend.

Next week is much easier. Mon and Tues are day off. Wed is an easy swim and a 30 minutes TT bike. Thursday is another day off. Friday, Sat and Sun are bricks and transition practice.

The week after that? Taper!!!!


Lake temp is currenlty 15 degrees... Brrrrrrr.... (thanks for that Paul. ;)

Tomorrow, Erik does his first duathlon! Good luck honey!!!


Paul said...

If we get some regular 20+ deg. days for the next little while Tuc lake could be up to 20 by race day. :)

sumo said... manage to get in some heavy-duty training! i've been having trouble averaging 3 runs (or less) per week...can't seem to get motivated for more than two days at a time and Powderface is looming...yikes...

which race are you training for?

Kelownagurl said...

Reikichick - right now, the Oliver Sprint Tri on May 24th. If I write down a plan (or someone writes one for me) , then I do it whether I feel like it or not.

What is Powderface?